The survival horror game, developed by Creative Assembly and published by Sega, is set 15 years after the events of the film Alien, focusing on Ellen Ripley’s daughter Amanda.
After the widespread disappointment that greeted Sega’s previous game in the franchise, Aliens: Colonial Marines, hopes are high that Isolation can be more successful in evoking the atmosphere of the first movie.
“We’re thrilled that SEGA has chosen EGX Rezzed to host the first ever public demo of Alien: Isolation,” said David Lilley, MD of Gamer Events. “We’re confident that the game will prove to be hugely popular with our attendees.”
EGX Rezzed takes place at the NEC, Birmingham, from the 28th to 30th March and will feature a host of playable pre-release games along with a variety of features including competitive gaming, developer presentations, board games and more.
Tickets are available for all three days via the EGX Rezzed website: