Dead Island, the sun-kissed sever-the-head-or-disconnect-the-brain ’em up, has spawned some interesting universe expansions, including: the Riptide DLC; the (eventually cancelled) free-to-play MOBA Dead Island: Epidemic; the poorly received Escape Dead Island; the comic; the novel… and ultimately, straight-up sequel Dead Island 2, which has been on again/off again more times than Ross and Rachel. Just don’t talk about Dying Light.
The latest oddity to join the horde is Dead Island: Retro Revenge, a side-scrolling fighting game mashed up with an endless runner – with graphics straight out of Zombies Ate My Neighbours – and, er, that’s about all there is to say about it really. You can get your hands on it as part of the Dead Island: Definite Edition, which is to be fair, a bit of a bargain.