Is it a port of FIFA 17, or an as-yet unseen FIFA 18, or something else again?
You’d have to be going full Nintendo fanboy ostrich to have missed that there’s a paucity of release games for the Nintendo Switch, particularly third-party ones. While the promise of excellent third-party support – at least, far better than the Wii U – has been music to fans’ ears, there has been little in the way of actual release dates. Written down. On actual paper. Or metaphorical, online paper, for that matter.
Talk is good and promises are important, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and today, we got a little amuse-bouche (and that’s the end of the confusing food metaphors).
There hasn’t yet been an announcement of when we’ll get our hands on the FIFA Switch version, but we’ve seen the next best thing: some footage of it.
We don’t even know which version of the game this is. This first glimpse at the FIFA Switch version – FIFA 17? FIFA 18? Something else? – comes in the form of a Japanese advert for the console, and shares a platform with a Dragon Quest title.
It shows a couple of footie fans taking advantage of the Switch’s local multiplayer – one of the console handheld consheld’s killer features – though we can’t imagine the coffee shop pictured will be too happy with the rowdy competitiveness that inevitably comes with playing FIFA in local multiplayer.
We’ll keep you posted when we have more official details on the FIFA Switch version’s release date.