Find out what’s inside the Hitman: The Complete First Season Steelbook retail release in this ‘hilarious’ video.
The first season of IO Interactive’s Hitman finally comes to retail tomorrow. To celebrate the occasion Square Enix has released a new – informercial style – video detailing its contents.
You can watch the video below but if you’d rather not suffer, we’ll just tell you what’s inside:
Hitman: The Complete First Season Steelbook contents:
- All 6 content packs included in the first season – Altogether it equals about 100 hours of gameplay. More if you play like me, standing around paralysed by choice.
- Steelbook case – It’s a case, but made of steel, mostly.
- Official soundtrack – Niels Bye Nielsen’s score is perfect for making household chores that little bit more exciting.
- ‘Making of’ Documentary – They did it with computers, apparently.
- Blood Money Pack – Includes the signature Blood Money white suit, white rubber duck and chrome ICA pistol items.
- Bonus missions – The Icon, A House Built on Sand and Landslide missions, plus new custom contracts and elusive targets.
It’s a pretty spectacular package that is well worth the asking price. Okay, you’ve been warned…
Hitman: The Complete First Season is released at retail on January 31 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.