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A new documentary following the development of Tokyo 42 proves that small is beautiful.

There’s a strange delight in seeing the world writ small. SMAC Games’ forthcoming action game, Tokyo 42, takes the chaos and mayhem usually found in third and first person action games and reduces it to microscopic size. This distant perspective makes the game a colourful and violent petri dish that is fascinating to watch in action.

Tokyo 42: Behind the Scenes is a new multi-part documentary series covering the development of Tokyo 42 from publisher Mode 7. The first episode looks at the creative process used by developers Sean and Maciek and reveals some new features of the game’s single player mode.

Inspired by classics such as Syndicate and the first Grand Theft Auto, the game’s isometric perspective can be rotated to reveal every element of its exquisitely detailed world. It’s like Captain Toad meets Hitman, and even in stills looks absolutely lovely.

Tokyo 42 is due for release on PC in 2017

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