Dark Light

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice and some SNES Virtual Console releases are the pick of this week’s Nintendo eShop line-up.

The big game this week is the return of everyone’s favourite ‘law simulation’ series in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice. The game come to the 3DS eShop, priced £24.99. If you are still on the fence we highly recommend the demo which showcase’s the game’s fun new Divination Séance feature.

Over on New Nintendo 3DS three more SNES classics are on their way, this time from the Final Fight series. Each game is priced at £7.19 but there’s a ‘buy two, get the third free’ promotion running until 22nd September.

Staying with retro titles, a sale of Sega 3D classics also starts this week with games including 3D Out Run, the amazing 3D Gunstar Heroes and 3D Streets of Rage I & II getting a 50% discount.

Here are the rest of this week’s releases.

Nintendo eShop releases for 8th September 2016

Nintendo Wii U

  • Jotun Valhalla Edition – €13.49/ £10.79 / CHF 14.39 until 15/09/2016
  • 140 – €7.99 / £5.59 / CHF 8.00
  • Vektor Wars – €7.99 / £7.99 / CHF 12.00
  • Alice in Wonderland – €4.52 / £3.78 / CHF 4.93
  • Rorrim – €4.52 / £4.09 / CHF 6.40
  • Touch Selections – €2.99 / £2.69 / CHF 4.20

Nintendo 3DS

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice – €29.99/ £24.99 / CHF 38.90
  • Kingdom’s Item Shop – €5.00/ £4.79 / CHF 6.20

New Nintendo 3DS

  • Final Fight (SNES) – €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20
  • Final Fight 2 (SNES) – €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20
  • Final Fight 3 (SNES) – €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20

Want to get in on the eShop action? Pick up a Nintendo 3DS from Amazon now.

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