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Last year, video production geniuses RealmPictures put together an amazing real life first-person shooter, that unsuspecting Chat Roulette patrons got to play live, as a rare moment of respite from people foisting their junk upon them via webcam.

Now RealmPictures are back, and their latest venture – in conjunction with Square Enix – combines their typically stellar production values, the real-world setting of an escape room type scenario, and a group of YouTubers for a real life Hitman experience, to celebrate the launch of the latest Hitman video game.

We’re not going to go into too much detail, because the sheer genius of this real life Hitman video is well worth ten minutes of anybody’s day, but it does feature a number of series staples, including:

  • A scarily realistic Agent 47.
  • Beautifully smooth third-person action camera.
  • A big mansion.
  • Lots of guards.
  • Stealth.
  • Distractions.
  • Multiple weapons.
  • Costume swapping.
  • And that most important Hitman staple of all: the freedom to carry out the hit using whatever method you see fit, and improvise if the situation changes in front of you.

There are also a couple of really cool additions to the real life Hitman implementation, including the ability for the players to interact with the game world using objects in their control room, and the fact that Agent 47 will give them feedback on his surroundings (and even talk back to them on occasion). Also, we don’t know who the British lady playing the game is, but she was clearly born for the role of commanding assassins.

This real life Hitman might just be the best Hitman game ever (sorry, Square Enix).

Thanks Kotaku!

The first episode of Hitman is out on March 11; order it from Amazon.

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