What is it about merchandising? Some folk down in the marketing department got together with a manufacturer to stick any old shite on any old tat, and the world will buy it in droves. We’ve all got a weird collectible lunchbox or shameful piece of merch hidden in the attic. They even have licensing expos, great halls of sadness where people come together to buy space on things or borrow popular names for gravitas, and you can be damn sure that the marketing and manufacturing divisions don’t even have to pretend to have any links or common ground so long as the numbers stack up.
Every now and then, though, there’s something that at least makes sense. And even rarer than that, it actually looks good: step up the new Overwatch Razer peripherals.
MOBAs are ten-a-penny at the moment, with Battleborn and Paragon and LawBreakers (sigh… where did all the single-player campaigns go?) and Overwatch – essentially Blizzard’s attempt at revamping Team Fortress 2 – looks like a decent fist of it, at least. Following a very large and successful beta it’s out next week, and the marketing machine has teamed up with specialist gaming hardware manufacturer Razer to come up with some actually-quite-lovely looking Overwatch Razer peripherals.
Here’s the full run-down:
- Overwatch ManO’War Tournament Edition Headset – £94.99
The great thing about the Overwatch Razer peripherals is that – other than the fact they say ‘Overwatch‘ on them – they don’t otherwise look like your general, over-the-top merchandising tat. They’re black and orange which is a gorgeous combination, and the Overwatch logo could just as easily be mistaken for a hardware manufacturer like Razer’s; so if a few years down the line Overwatch isn’t cool anymore, at least you won’t look like a complete tool with your (unusually subtle) limited edition merchandise.
Razer are offering free dog tags if you pre-order any Overwatch Razer peripherals from their store before the game launches – what were we just saying about any old shite? Otherwise, the peripherals will be available in early June.