Battlefront’s US release date was accidentally leaked by its own official website this week, but what about everyone else?
It was big news when Battlefront’s release date was discovered, hidden away in the source code of its own official website. It read, plain and simple:
“The latest news and updates for Star Wars Battlefront. Available November 17, 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.”
Now, what EA’s blunder didn’t specify was that the release date in question was for North America. There was no indication that the rest of the world would be coming later but as is usual with these things – movies, TV series, albums, and even games – the good old US of A get the nod first, and everyone else has to wait a little while before they can get their hands on the latest releases.
This morning UK retailer Game have confirmed, via their email newsletter, that Star Wars: Battlefront will be coming to the UK three days later than our US brethren, on November 20th 2015. They’re also accepting pre-orders. The timing is strong in this one.