Dark Light

Focus Home Interactive announce the return of the goblin thief in Styx: Shards of Darkness.

The sequel to last year’s Styx: Master of Shadows will be built from the ground up in Unreal Engine 4 and aims to improve upon that game’s already impressive stealth mechanics.

The game has been in development at Cyanide Studios for 6 months and will feature a plethora of new mechanics aimed at refining the abilities and movement of the goblin assassin.

The first image released from the game shows the new Styx putting his skills to good use in Körangar, the city of the Dark Elves.

Ever so co-incidentally, Styx: Master of Shadows is the Midweek Madness deal on Steam, until Friday 16th October, benefiting from a 66% discount.

Styx: Shards of Darkness will be published by Focus Home Interactive and released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2016.

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