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Thumbsticks is the home of interesting thought and discourse on video games and games culture.

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If you don’t want to commit to long term support, then you could always buy the team a coffee or two.

Contact us

You can get in touch with us at [email protected]
If you have a press enquiry, contact us at [email protected]

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We publish our content to all corners of the internet. Here’s where you can find us:

Website | https://www.thumbsticks.com
You’re here now. Have a look around.

Twitter | @thumb_sticks
We tweet every article, but we’ll also chat if you message us.

Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/thumbsticksofficial
As with Twitter, every article ends up here, along with lots of other video game related whimsy. Please Like.

We have a weekly newsletter that features a round-up of our best content.

Flipboard | News and features: https://flip.it/VSD.b
We have a Flipboard magazine. It’s very shiny and you should subscribe to it.

Google Newshttps://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMM6dkwswucioAw
You’ll find our work in Google News more generally, but you can follow us via this URL.

RSS is still a thing, honest. Throw this feed into your favourite reader and you’ll get to see all of our articles.

We’ve got one of those Steam curator lists, for PC games we really like.

We take part in the OpenCritic initiative, because we believe in fair and honest reviewing.

And we’re also on LinkedIn and YouTube, and we’re part of the Humble partner program.

First Floor, Telecom House
125-135 Preston Road
East Sussex

© 2022 Thumbsticks