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The DS was pitched as Nintendo’s ‘third-pillar’, a curious device with two screens and a stylus input that would sit alongside the Gamecube and GBA. Many thought the system was a mistake and that Nintendo were insane to dilute the might of their market-leading Game Boy brand, especially with Sony’s PSP on the horizon.

And yet, in time, the system became huge hit, attracting new audiences and creating new ways to play games. Core gamers enjoyed remakes of old classics and reborn franchises and new players came to the party to look after their Nintendogs and train their brains. The console also represented Nintendo’s first serious push into the world of online gaming, with the likes of Mario Kart DS.

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Nintendo DS we’ll be running a series of features and articles later this year. We’ll be examining the system, its successes, its failures, its games and its impact. And we want your input.

  • What is your favourite DS game and why?
  • Do you have a specific memory related to the console?
  • What impact did the system have?
  • Where can the DS brand go next?
  • Or, what did you hate about  the DS?

If you were excited by Elite Beat Agents, puzzled by Professor Layton, or baffled by Brain Training, we want to hear from you.

Send us your thoughts using the form below and we’ll use them in the features appearing this autumn. We’ll also be giving out a few prizes (to be announced) for the best comments, so make sure to include your full name and email address.

Your details will not be passed on or used for marketing purposes. Although if you do want to hear from us, why not sign up for our newsletter.


[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Location’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Best DS/DSI/3DS game’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Comment or memory’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
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