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The Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare live action trailer is a belter

Dark Light

Say what you like about the repetitive blandness of the Call of Duty series, but they do make a damn fine trailer. The latest is no exception.

It’s autumn. That means the leaves are turning golden and falling from the trees, the weather is turning chilly, and Acvitision are releasing another Call of Duty game. Without fail, come hell or high water, there will be a new Call of Duty game every year until the universe ends.

Maybe even after.

There are a few perks to the Call of Duty franchise, though. This year, the fact that Dice has actually done something different with the Battlefield series taking us back to World War I – seemingly a direct antidote to Call of Duty’s floaty, silly space nonsense – can be chalked up as a win.

Another highlight is the oft celebrity-laden live action trailers, and the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare live action trailer is another cracker. Who hasn’t looked at the terrible state of the world – including Brexit, Trump, and the seriously shitty state of global diplomatic relations – and thought to themselves, screw it, let’s go to space?

Well, lots of real-life gamers, including Michael Phelps and Danny McBride have done just that in the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare live action trailer. Honestly, if I was going to space I’d rather Littlest Hobo myself around the universe in No Man’s Sky, but the trailer’s still pretty cool.

You can pre-order Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare from Amazon, if you really want to.

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