Cyberpunk 2077 special edition
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Cyberpunk 2077 announces Keanu Reeves (also, Keanu announces its release date)

Dark Light

We were in the audience for the Xbox E3 2019 press conference when Keanu showed up in Cyberpunk 2077.

We were right up in the nosebleed seats (press covering the event get hidden in the back, tapping away on laptops, while excitable influencers sit near the front) but the energy, the excitement when the trailer revealed Keanu Reeves was palpable.

Then the roof nearly lifted off the Microsoft Theater when the man himself appeared from the side of the stage in that laconic way he does, wreathed in dry ice and charisma.

He talked for a bit. He said “Cyberpunk 2077 is breathtaking” then, when a very enamoured heckler calls out that he’s breathtaking, he returns the compliment with all the ease and wit of an unusually pleasant stand-up comedian. We don’t get enough nice memes out of gaming events, but Keanu’s “breathtaking” might be the best one we’ll ever see.

We almost didn’t notice, in his thrall as we all were, that he revealed the release date for Cyberpunk 2077 at the end of his little performance. It certainly didn’t get as big a cheer as the appearance of the man himself.

So by way of a reminder, here’s the salient bits of information from the Cyberpunk 2077 announcement:

  • It will be released on April 16, 2020.
  • It will be available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
  • You can pre-order it now, and there is also one of those fancy limited editions with extra stuff (like a steelbook case, a hardcover art book, and a statue of the male variant of protagonist V, pictured above).
  • It’s got Keanu Reeves in it.
  • Did we mention Cyberpunk 2077’s got Keanu flippin’ Reeves in it?
  • Last, and by no means least, it’s got Keanu Reeves in it.

And here’s the E3 2019 trailer for Cyberpunk 2077:

It’s also got Keanu Reeves in it. You’re welcome.

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