Dark Light

Sometimes it pays to be a late-adopter, and the latest Destiny Legendary Edition price drop is one of those instances.

Most people rush out and pick up the latest thing on the day it comes out. It’s human nature to want the shiny, the new, the thing nobody else has; the automotive industry and a certain fruit-based mobile phone manufacturer have built their entire business models on this fervour, but it’s not always prudent to do so.


Let’s do the maths for a moment:

  • Original Destiny purchase, September 2014 – £44.99
  • Expansion 1: The Dark Below, December 2014 – £19.99
  • Expansion 2: House of Wolves, May 2015 – £19.99
  • Destiny 2.0: The Taken King, September 2015 – £39.99
  • Total purchase price: £124.96 (approx. US$190)

If you’d bought a season pass at £34.99 (that included The Dark Below and House of Wolves expansions, but not The Taken King) that would have saved you £5, bringing the total down to £119.96.

That’s quite a lot of money, so Bungie and Activision’s announcement that the latest Destiny Legendary Edition – specifically The Taken King Legendary Edition, which includes all the main game content and the expansions – is available for an RRP-shattering £39.99 from selected retailers? That’s welcome news indeed, but make sure you buy the right version.

And if you want some additional free content, or at least just a laugh at Destiny’s insistence on gestures and dances set to a genuinely amusing soundtrack, then take a check out their video for the Refer-a-Friend scheme and bring another Guardian to the party.

[youtube url=”https://youtu.be/dSvc_Cn2P6s” autoplay=”no”]

Pick up the latest Destiny Legendary Edition from Amazon now. It’s a freaking steal.

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