Final Fantasy VII Remake intro leak
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The Final Fantasy VII Remake intro has been officially unveiled

Dark Light

Here’s your first (official) look at the Final Fantasy VII Remake intro cinematic.

Updated: 14 February 2020

Following the leak of the Final Fantasy VII Remake’s intro cinematic on New Year’s Eve – and as predicted, it was swiftly taken down by Square Enix’s legal eagles – the opening cinematic has now been officially unveiled.

It’s mostly the same as the one that was leaked, to be fair. (And in turn, that’s mostly the same as the original one, just a lot prettier.)

But there are some additions. The stuff we’ve seen before starts at about two minutes into the video below. There’s an extra couple of minutes of exposition before about the world and its setting before we get to the iconic intro proper, with Aerith, the train, and Avalanche.

It’s all feeling very real now, isn’t it? The (official) release of the Final Fantasy VII Remake intro means that – following one short, final delay – the game itself will soon be upon us, on April 10, 2020.

Original story: 31 December 2020

Well, here’s some fireworks to ring in the new year: the Final Fantasy VII Remake intro appears to have been leaked online.

It’s not the cut together intro we saw when we went hands-on with Final Fantasy VII at E3 2019 – though that did share a couple of elements, like Cloud flipping off the train like the big show-off he is – but instead looks to be the intro to the game proper.

The leak certainly covers all the major beats of the PlayStation original’s intro.

What looks like a starfield, that turns out to be Mako energy. Aerith’s face in the glow of the Mako, before she walks off into the sprawl of Midgar’s Wall Market. The camera pans out to show the vast city – and this is the bit where our goosebumps went crazy – before the music peaks and the logo flashes onto the screen. Then the camera zooms back in to focus on a train pulling into a station. Members of Avalanche deck two guards (don’t forget to check them for potions!) before Cloud leaps from the train and the game begins.

And that’s where the leak stops. It looks legit, is what we’re trying to say here.

The leak – from YouTuber Lystrasza, via Resetera and Destructoid – is available to watch online now, but you might want to get on it quick before Square Enix’s legal eagles have it taken down.

Does this leak confirm the existence of a Final Fantasy VII Remake demo? Possibly. It certainly worked wonders for the Resident Evil 2 remake to feature a demo just before release, and the fact it’s a more “complete” opening than the demo we played during expo season suggests it’s something new. It’s all exciting stuff.

We’ll keep you posted on Final Fantasy VII Remake news up to the game’s release on March 3, 2020. Be sure to follow Thumbsticks on FacebookGoogle NewsTwitter, and Flipboard.

Via Resetera and Destructoid

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