My Friend Pedro animated trailer
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My Friend Pedro’s animated trailer is the best we’ve seen in years

Dark Light

And the award for best video game trailer of 2019 goes to…

We’re currently scurrying frantically on our My Friend Pedro review. It’s not that long, and we have finished it, but E3 always do bad things to writing brain jetlag thinking, yes? OK? Good. Shhhh. Sleepy times now.

But as if to remind us that we’ve got work to do – and not at all part of their pre-release marketing plan, we’re pretty sure – publisher Devolver Digital and developer Deadtoast have today revealed the launch trailer for My Friend Pedro.

And it is a stunner.

The animation in the My Friend Pedro trailer is by Paris-based Wizz Design, and it is sumptuous. You don’t see enough animated trailers and that one is a corker.

Oddly, though – and treading carefully to not break embargo on the review – the My Friend Pedro launch trailer is strangely representative of the gameplay on offer. Take that, “not in-game footage” naysayers!

My Friend Pedro releases tomorrow, June 20, and the review embargo lifts at 3 pm BST (that’s 7 am Pacific).

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