Seven cowboys, riding across the plains to battle – it’s a magnificent sight. Check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer from Rockstar Games.
It’s been a big day in gaming today.
If you’re Rockstar Games, you might understandably be a little miffed that – following your masterful tease of Red Dead Redemption 2 over the weekend, which whipped the gaming world up into a frenzy – Nintendo has completely undercut your big Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer reveal, with a creepy image of Mario lurking behind a curtain.
Thankfully it was the Nintendo Switch hiding behind Mario’s curtain, and not something worse.
So, back to the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer; there’s not much to say about it, really. Some corners might be complaining that it’s short, but for a game that’s still a year out from release, Rockstar would argue it’s small and perfectly formed.
Other than that, the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer is exactly what we were expecting: beautiful, open-world, wild west locales, and a general feeling of grit of the truest variety.
We’re all looking forward to this one.
Not caught up? You can pick up Red Dead Redemption from Amazon for Xbox 360 (and play it on your Xbox One via backwards compatibility).