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The Thimbleweed Park price couldn’t really be anything else, could it?

The Monkey Island series is a very quotable game, the most famous of which probably relates to the relative sword-fighting abilities of dairy farmers and cows. The second most famous, however, is a fourth wall-breaking in-joke about the price of video games.

Guybrush: At least I’ve learnt something from all of this.
Elaine: What’s that?
Guybrush: Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game.
Elaine: A what?
Guybrush: I don’t know. I have no idea why I said that.

So when former LucasArts supremo, Ron Gilbert, announced Thimbleweed Park – the spiritual successor to those classic LucasArts adventures, including the Monkey Island series and Maniac Mansion – nobody really expected it to cost more than 20 bucks.

He’s an honest man. A man of his word. Hell, he even included a menu option for reversing the direction of toilet paper dispensers, just because he said he would. And lo, it has come to pass when it launches tomorrow, that the Thimbleweed Park price will be $19.99 US.

Interestingly, the cost of video games in Monkey Island terms has become a measure of inflation. The 20 bucks Guybrush referred to back in 1990 is – according to fineleatherjackets.net, named after another LucasArts in-joke – now worth nearly 37 bucks, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ consumer price inflation (CPI) index.

Guybrush Threepwood Inflation

So in reality Thimbleweed Park is, by arcane LucasArts logic, nearly half price, and it’s not even out yet. That’s a cracking saving in today’s economy, and here’s when you can get your grubby little paws on it.

Thimbleweed Park unlock times

  • 9:00 am PDT 30th March (West Coast USA)
  • 12:00 pm EDT 30th March (East Coast USA)
  • 5:00 pm BST 30th March (UK)
  • 6:00 pm CEST 30th March (Europe)
  • 3:00 am AEDT 31st March (East Coast Australia)

Source: Thimbleweed Park dev blog, Thimbleweed Park Steam store page

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