Compulsion Games rewards Kickstarter backers with additional platforms for We Happy Few.
Compulsion Games have just sent out a little press release, that confirms their second title, We Happy Few, will now be released for Mac and Linux, in addition to the PC offering.
The Kickstarter page has been updated to reflect this, with the following entries under Frequently Asked Questions:
Which Platforms will we release We Happy Few for?
We’ll launch on PC first, on Windows. See below for Linux and Mac.
We plan to come to consoles after launch, but we want to focus on the PC version for now.
We’re likely to launch first on Early Access, on Steam. However, the more successful this campaign is, the longer we’ll be able to continue working with our pre-alpha players, and potentially not launch on Early Access at all.
Linux and Mac
We are very excited to announce that we will be bringing We Happy Few to Mac and Linux! Now the citizens of Wellington Wells will be able to be suspicious of fruit and aquatic mammals as well.
This took a bit of time for us to consider, so thank you for being patient. We hope that you guys will help us spread the word to your friends in Mac and Linux gaming communities, as we’d love to have them join us!
Will we get Mac or Linux versions in the pre-alpha?
No. As you guys know, we’re not a huge team, and we really want to focus on making this game the best it can be. We are planning to deliver the Mac and Linux versions on or shortly after full release of the game. We will not be creating Mac or Linux pre-alpha versions – the pre-alpha through Steam will be Windows only. If we go into Early Access at some point, we won’t be creating them then either.
OK, so to clarify what this means:
If you’ve paid $25 CAD for the Early Bird tier, then you’ll be able to select in which flavour – Windows, Mac or Linux – you want to receive your copy of We Happy Few in. With me so far? Great.
But if you’ve pledged at the $60 CAD tier, you will only be able to receive your pre-alpha copy of We Happy Few as a Windows download. This will not be available as a download for Mac or Linux.
Nothing entirely unexpected there, and Compulsion Games have been very upfront about the pre-alpha taking place with the Windows build, but it’s worth taking a moment to clarify this so people aren’t disappointed.
There’s still no explicit mention of console versions, but it sounds like it’s still on the roadmap. Don’t be such a downer.