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Microsoft adds a thoroughly useful feature to Xbox Game Pass, and it’s straight out of Netflix’s playbook.

Have you ever been browsing the Xbox Game Pass library and found yourself a little overwhelmed? With over 200 games to choose from, there are a lot of options. It’s like being a deer in headlights, but you know, in a good way.

Now Microsoft has added a new feature to Xbox Game Pass to help overcome this paralysis of choice: the Play Later feature.

It functions in the same way as Netflix’s very useful My List feature. Maybe you’re browsing through and you see something you like, but you’re in the middle of another box set? Add it to your list. Maybe you’ve had an email telling you something’s just been added to Netflix, but you’re not at home? Open the app, add it to your list, and watch it later.

The Xbox Game Pass Play Later feature promises the same benefits. It’s like leaving little Post-it notes all over your Xbox Game Pass library with reminders of what to do later. Much like its Netflix equivalent, you can also manage your Play Later list from the Xbox mobile app.

The feature is available in the latest Xbox One update, and it should be rolling out to consoles globally.

One small word of caution, however: the Xbox Game Pass lineup, like Netflix’s library, is subject to change. And unfortunately, you won’t get a warning when something on your Play Later list is about to leave the service. If you’ve ever let your Netflix list accumulate, only to find things disappear before you watch them? You’ll know the frustration.

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