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The upcoming prison break game A Way Out, from the developers of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, has gone gold.

The game’s writer and director, Josef Fares, took to Twitter to announce his excitement at the development being wrapped:

https://twitter.com/josef_fares/status/968155757509095424?ref_src=twsrc% 5Etfw&ref_url=https% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.gamespot.com% 2Farticles% 2Feas-co-op-prison-escape-game-a-way-out-crosses-a-b% 2F1100-6457025% 2F

A Way Out is only playable in co-op. Now, while that might sound a bit dicey, there is a great feature that will ensure you have a buddy to break out with.

The “friends pass free trial” means that two people can play A Way Out with only one copy of the game. It does require a constant internet connection and an EA account in order to us, however. If you’re on console, you’ll obviously also need Xbox Live Gold or PS Plus.

The game itself looks very cool: a ‘70s gritty thriller like something William Friedkin might have been wrapped up in, it tells the story of two convicts, Vincent and Leo (replete with big time sideburns), intent on breaking out of prison.

A Way Out is scheduled for release on March 23rd on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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