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Capcom has announced that it’s bringing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney to iOS and Android devices this winter.

The fourth game in the series – which was originally released on the Nintendo DS back in 2007 – sees player star as rookie attorney, Apollo Justice. As with the Phoenix Wright games that preceded it, Apollo visits crime scenes, questions witnesses and collects evidence before attempting to prove his clients’ innocence in a court of law.

It sounds all rather straight-laced until you remember that opposing Apollo is the flamboyant prosecutor Klavier Gavin who, in addition to being a legal mastermind, is also the, erm, lead singer of the Gavinners, a highly successful rock band with a string of chart hits to their name. Yes, it’s that kind of game.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney will have a completely optimised UI and plus improved graphics that take advantage of mobile screen resolutions and aspect ratios. It will also include full English and Japanese language support.

There’s no word on an official release date but you can sign up for notifications at the Capcom Mobile website.

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