Revolution Software’s Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse will be released worldwide for Nintendo Switch next month.
As well as being a shoo-in for lots of new games – such as this week’s gems, Dead Cells and Overcooked! 2 – the Nintendo Switch has also become a retirement home for a huge swathe of older titles, and often at a premium price.
Another game to add to that ever-growing list is Revolution’s highly-regarded adventure game, Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse, which will hit the eShop worldwide on September 21, 2018. It will cost a slightly inflated €29.99.
Broken Sword 5 sees the ever-reliable George Stobbart and Nico Collard together again, and on the trail of a mysterious conspiracy that threatens all mankind. Here’s the Nintendo Switch announcement trailer to whet your adventurous appetite.
Charles Cecil, CEO and founder of Revolution Software, says in a press statement:
“Switch is so wonderfully accessible – and adventures offer the ideal portable game experience. We were determined to make the most of the Nintendo’s innovative hardware with exclusive content and controls. This really is the ideal way to experience Broken Sword 5 – The Serpent’s Curse.”
The Switch version of the game will include a new user interface – that supports both Joy-Con and touch screen inputs – and a series of unlockable videos that tell the story of the game’s development using studio interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage.