Sierra has announced that Chapter 5 of King’s Quest will hit digital stores on October 25, along with a retail disc of the full game.
The Odd Gentlemen’s reimaginging of the much-loved Sierra graphic adventure series has, in the main, been a huge success. Despite some reasonably long waits between its early chapters it has managed to capture the essence and spirit of the original King’s Quest titles, keep long-time players on-side and win over plenty of new fans, too.
King’s Quest – Chapter 5: The Good Knight completes the series and will receive a worldwide console and PC release on October 25.
The final part of the game looks back on King Graham, now an old man, as he prepares to go on one last adventure for the kingdom he loves. Matt Korba, president and creative director of The Odd Gentlemen, said:
“Watching King Graham grow up through each chapter has been surreal for our team, as we ourselves have grown as game developers and humans right beside him. It’s a rare opportunity to be able to cover the lifetime of a character in one series of a video game, and as we approach the end, we are incredibly excited for players to experience the final pages of this vision of King Graham’s journey.”
Sierra has also announced that a retail edition of the game – King’s Quest: The Complete Collection – will also be released on October 25. The disc collects all five chapters and adds a bonus playable epilogue.
King’s Quest – Chapter 5: The Good Knight will be available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows PC via Steam. The Complete Collection will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox 360.