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The Final Fantasy VIII release date has been revealed, and it’s just around the corner.

We’re not sure why it took Square Enix so long to remaster Final Fantasy VIII. Maybe it was because much of the original source code and art was lost, a common practice among studios back then. Or maybe it was because of licensing issues around Eyes on Me, the pop ballad included in one of the game’s FMV sequences (and much of its marketing).

Whatever the reason, following the repeated re-releases and remasters of other Final Fantasy games of a similar vintage, Final Fantasy VIII was conspicuous in its absence. Until Square Enix’s E3 2019 presentation, that is.

Since then, we’ve seen little fresh information on the Final Fantasy VIII remaster. Well, other than the news that the game’s most meme-worthy scene has been “fixed” in the upcoming release. (Thanks, we hate it.)

But today, there’s news. Big news. Important news. The news we were all waiting for: The Final Fantasy VIII release date.

The release date announcement, as is often the way, was accompanied by a trailer. It’s a supercut of Final Fantasy VIII’s themes and moments, including the infamous dance scene, and centres on the game’s key theme of “love,” where most Final Fantasy games to date (and some since) had centred on things like crystals. Also, there’s a bit of a spoiler from the end of the first disc. If you’re planning on going into Final Fantasy VIII with a clean slate – admittedly difficult on a 20-year-old game, but not impossible for a game that’s been harder to get hold of – then you might want to skip the trailer below.

The Final Fantasy VIII release date is worldwide on September 3, 2019. The game will be available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

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