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The clock’s ticking for Dare to be Digital applications.

Dare to be Digital, the game design competition for students organised by Abertay University, is offering the chance for fifteen teams of students to compete for the opportunity to create and develop their games.

For the first time, this years’s competition includes a residential element on top of the chance for teams to have their games judged by experts and the public.

The chosen teams will begin work at their home universities before travelling to Dundee for two weeks of mentorship immediately before showcasing their games at Dare ProtoPlay, in August. The teams will also have the option of participating in a summer of workshops, guest lectures and other activities while they develop their games at Abertay’s Centre for Excellence in Game Education.

Dr William Huber, Head of Abertay’s Centre of Excellence and executive producer of Dare to be Digital, commented:

Last year’s competition showed the incredible diversity and creativity that is emerging from talented young designers and developers, including games incorporating selfies in gameplay, experiments with narrative artificial intelligence, and games about the foster-care system.  We’re excited to see this trend continue in 2016, and to welcome teams to finish their games here at Abertay.

But time is running out if you want to enter. You have until midnight UK time on Sunday 13 March to submit entires online at http://www.daretobedigital.com.

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