Star Wars: Battlefront - Bespin
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Launch trailer revealed for Star Wars: Battlefront’s Bespin DLC

Dark Light

New Bespin DLC looks to reinvigorate Star Wars: Battlefront.

Star Wars: Battlefront is a mostly great game but the paucity of content at launch was a big miss.

The game’s season pass roadmap is fixing this – for a price – and the latest content pack, which features Cloud City and Bespin from The Empire Strikes Back, looks wonderful.

It’s pure fan service of course but who can resist the sight and sounds from this trailer. Highlights include AT-AT’s striding across Cloud City and some beautiful interiors including everyone’s favourite carbonite chamber.

And look at Dengar, what an adorable loser.

The Star Wars: Battlefront Bespin pack will be available to Season Pass owners from 21st June 2016.

You can buy Star Wars Battlefront from Amazon now.

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