As the release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild approaches, Nintendo puts some leftover discount stickers to good use.
Here’s a treat for members of Nintendo’s new loyalty programme. If you are a My Nintendo member in Europe you can now get 30% off all games in The Legend of Zelda series. The sale runs for two weeks and the discounts apply to all Zelda titles available on the eShop and Virtual Console for Wii U and 3DS.
As is often the case with Nintendo sales, the price cuts don’t necessarily make the games cheap. Twilight Princess HD, for example, still comes in at a hefty £27.99, even with a 30% discount. That said, the wonderful 3DS adventure, A Link Between Worlds is a steal at £11.99, as is Link’s Awakening for just under £4.
It’s also worth noting that the handheld Virtual Console release of A Link to the Past is only available on the New Nintendo 3DS console.
Here’s the full list of sale titles and prices for the UK.
The Legend of Zelda Weeks Sale
Nintendo 3DS
- A Link Between Worlds – £11.19
- Ocarina of Time 3D – £11.19
- Majora’s Mask 3D – £27.99
- Tri Force Heroes – £24.49
- Hyrule Warriors: Legends (and DLC) – £24.49
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console
- The Legend of Zelda – £3.14
- The Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link – £3.14
- A Link to the Past – £5.03
- Link’s Awakening DX – £3.77
- Oracle of Ages – £3.77
- Oracle of Seasons – £3.77
Wii U
- Twilight Princess HD – £27.99
- The Wind Waker HD – £13.99
- Hyrule Warriors, and all DLC – £27.99
Wii U Virtual Console
- The Legend of Zelda – £2.44
- The Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link – £2.44
- A Link to the Past – £3.84
- Ocarina of Time – £6.29
- Majora’s Mask – £6.29
- Skyward Sword – £12.59
- The Minish Cap – £4.40
- The Phantom Hourglass – £6.29
- Spirit Tracks – £6.29
The sale ends at midnight on Wednesday 9 February, 2017.