Aliens: Fireteam Elite and Psychonauts 2 headline the list of new PlayStation Store releases for the PS4 and PS5.
Shooting Xenomorphs should never fail to be fun, but unfortunately – as players of Aliens: Colonial Marines can attest – that’s not always the case. Our fingers are crossed that Aliens: Fireteam Elite, the new multiplayer shooter from Cold Iron Studio, will be the action game the IP deserves.
Jauntier exploits can be found in the week’s other big release, the long-awaited Psychonauts 2. Double Fine’s sequel follows the events of VR release Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin and sees Raz and friends investigate strange events at Psychonaut Headquarters.
Other new PlayStation Store releases include Murder Mystery Machine, King’s Bounty II, and Inked: A Tale of Love. We’ll update this page throughout the week with any late additions to the lineup.
New PlayStation Store releases: August 23-27, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
- No releases
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
- Aliens: Fireteam Elite
- Hoa
- King’s Bounty II
- I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and the Liar
- Mickey Storm and the Cursed Mask
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 (PS5)
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
- Darker Skies
- Murder Mystery Machine
- Psychonauts 2
Thursday, August 26, 2021
- Islanders
- Hotel Life: A Resort Simulator
- Pretty Girls Panic
- Traffic Jams
Friday, August 27, 2021
- Baldo the Guardian Owls
- Inked: A Tale of Love
- One-Eyed Lee and the Dinner Party
- Tormented Souls (PS5)
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