You’ve gotta Smoochum all in the Pokémon Go Valentine’s Day event.
Niantic have revealed that first in-game Pokémon Go event of 2017 will be a week-long celebration of Valentine’s Day. The event starts at 7PM today and runs through to 7PM on February 15, 2017.
For the entire week players will receive double the amount of candy (naturally) when catching, hatching and transferring Pokémon. Your adoring and devoted buddy Pokémon will also be hit by Cupid’s Arrow and will find candy at twice the usual speed.
Niantic have scoured the Pokédex and also announced that the cutest and pinkest Pokémon – including Chansey, Clefable and Porygon – will have increased spawn rates for the duration of the event. In addition, Pokémon including Igglybuff, Cleffa, and Smoochum will have an increased chance of hatching from eggs.
Trainers can also attract potential Pokémon love interests by deploying Lure Modules that will last for six hours, rather than the usual 30 minutes.
Pokémon Go – Valentine’s Day Event Times
- NA: 11AM, February 8 – 11AM February 15, 2017
- UK: 7PM, February 8 – 7PM February 15, 2017
Pokémon Go is available now. If you have some how missed it, you can download the game for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play.