Dark Light

It may well be software that decides the fates of hardware, but sometimes hardware can work a magic all its own. Resident Evil Revelations for the Nintendo Switch comes with its own retro mini-games to celebrate.

In a little nod to the Dreamcast, with its VMU mini-games, the Revelations dual pack – a Switch release of Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 – comes with Ghost Ship Panic and Ghouls ‘n Homunculi.

The former takes the form of a Space Invaders-style shooter, where you have to plug holes in a variety of shambling ghouls in as they trickle down from the top of the screen.


The latter is a decidedly Resident Evil spin on the classic Ghouls ‘n Ghosts wherein you take control of a gloriously pixelated Barry Burton (yes, you can make out his fuzzy beard in all its glory) and take on a horde of foes as you scroll left to right. It’s all Capcom, why not?

Behold this second trailer for Ghouls ‘n Homunculi – is that the best name for a game, mini or otherwise, that we’ve had this year?

Both of these little games will net you Battle Points, so playing them is more than just a time-killer; you can spend these points in the Raid Mode Shop on upgrades and items.

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