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Square Enix have released the second patch for the maligned PC version of Chrono Trigger.

Chrono Trigger‘s rehabilitation on PC continues with the latest in a series of patches to improve its performance and gameplay. The second update adds changes to the game’s UI, character art, and cut scenes.

The Steam edition of Chrono Trigger was released with much fan-fare in February. However, the game was quickly sunk by negative reviews as it was revealed to be a poorly optimised port of the 2011 mobile version.

Square Enix quickly vowed to make amends, and the game received its first update in April.

The second patch includes:

  • Battle UI: Screen layout and control input improved for players using a gamepad or keyboard. Players can now choose between UI optimized for gamepad and keyboard, or touch displays and mouse.
  • Character Graphics Changes: Character sprites on the world map revised to look closer to the original pixel art.
  • Updated Animated Cut-Scenes: Cut-scenes resolution improved, and new display sizes added.

Other changes include tweaks to Korean text, control refinements, a new pause function, and varies other big fixes. A third patch is due next month.

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