Skies of Arcadia Eternal Soundtrack
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Skies of Arcadia soundtrack coming to CD, vinyl, and, erm, music box

Dark Light

Wayô Records is releasing a new edition of the glorious Skies of Arcadia soundtrack on CD, vinyl, and music box.

Originally released for the Sega Dreamcast in 2000, Skies of Arcadia is one of the all-time great JRPGs. Despite its muted commercial performance the game has proved influential, and its absence from current-gen consoles is one of the biggest tragedies of the modern age.

One of the reasons for the game’s longevity is the magical score from composers, Yutaka Minobe and Tatsuyuki Maeda.

The soundtrack is soon to be reissued on CD and vinyl by Wayô Records. The vinyl edition is available in two variants, one with a ‘first print’ marble blue colouring. The release is also wrapped in a new illustration from Skies of Arcadia artist Itsuki Hoshi, and includes a limited-edition art print and a 24-page booklet featuring commentary from the development team and composers.

In addition to the full soundtrack, the album also includes two new piano arrangements from Ramon van Engelenhoven, and a 15-minute medley of the game’s most memorable themes.

And yes, there’s also the option to buy a glass-engraved music box that plays the game’s title theme.

Speaking about the new album, Wayô Records founder, Jonathan Khersis, says:

“For this new release, and to celebrate the upcoming 20th anniversary, I thought it was important to bring several new contents. It was fantastic working on the new illustration concept with Itsuki Hoshi and on the original piano suite with our friend Ramon Van Engelenhoven. I also thought the ‘Main Theme’ really deserved its own music box and it had to be treated with the best quality. Today, we are proud to share our love for Skies of Arcadia and hope this will open the way to new exciting projects for the franchise!”

Speaking of that theme. Take a moment to close your eyes and listen to the original in all its glory.

The Skies of Arcadia Eternal soundtrack is available to pre-order now from Wayô Records.

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