Dark Light

Image & Form’s 3DS hit comes to PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in HD.

Steampunk western action strategy shooter Steamworld Heist has been announced for release on PS4 and PS Vita, hitting the PlayStation Store on 31st May.

The game makes the move to Sony consoles 6 months after its Nintendo eShop release where it was warmly received and favourably compared to the likes of X-COM.

Steamworld Heist will launch simultaneously in the Americas, Europe and Australia and will benefit – like its predecessor, Steamworld Dig – from Sony’s cross-buy initiative.

To mark the occasion a new trailer has been released showing the game in its new high-definition glory. And very nice it looks too.

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tytfTOZqA4o” autoplay=”no”]

The game be priced at $19.99 / €19.99 / £15.99 and will also receive a 15% discount at launch. If that – and cross-buy – are not enough to whet your appetite, the game’s Outsider DLC will also be available from day one.

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