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You can save up to 80% (if you buy enough Telltale games).

The build-your-own-bundle is a – relatively, compared the original bundles – new invention in the Humble world. They’ve also got new initiatives like the loot-crate-alike monthly bundle, in addition to the classic Humble Bundles.

The build-your-own-bundle allows you to ratchet up the savings, the more games you buy. Well, specifically, there’s a selection or theme to choose from; you can’t just pick anything you like from the store.

On this occasion it’s Telltale Games, er, games, which are on the discount table. Most of the usual suspects are in the build-your-own-bundle lineup, too, including The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Minecraft Story Mode, and the sublime Tales from the Borderlands. There’s also some classic Telltale fare in the shape of Sam and Max and Tales of Monkey Island.

There are a couple of noticeable admissions, however: Guardians of the Galaxy is not included in the Telltale build-your-own-bundle, and while the Michonne short series and the 400 Days DLC are included, the latest season of The Walking Dead is not.

Still, if you’re looking to stock up on some brilliant adventure games, and save up to 80% in the process, then you’ll be sorry to miss out on this one.

The Humble Telltale build-your-own-bundle is available now, and runs through until Monday, July 16th, 10am PT (6pm GMT).

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