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Surprise! Nintendo has announced Game Builder Garage, a new game creation tool coming to the Nintendo Switch this summer.

Game Builder Garage is a new video game creation tool from Nintendo aimed at developers of all ages and abilities. Games can be created using colourful creatures called Nodon (no sniggering at the back), plus a series of guided lessons that cover the basics of visual programming.

It appears to be a typically Nintendo approach to game development, evoking the best aspects of Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo Labo, and even Wario Ware DIY.

Take a look at the first Game Builder Garage trailer.

Speaking about the game, Nintendo of Canada’s Dom Gross, says:

“For anyone who has always wanted to make their own video games, Game Builder Garage is the perfect place to start. Through the use of guided lessons and memorable Nodon characters, Game Builder Garage helps make creating video games just as much fun as playing them!”

In addition to a complete catalogue of lessons designed to create specific games, a Free Programming mode also lets players bring their own ideas to life. Creations can also be shared online or through local wireless connection, making it perfect for game jams.

Game Builder Garage will be released via the Nintendo eShop on June 11, 2021.

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