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The next instalment of the Rainbow Six franchise is upon us.

Ubisoft has finally unveiled the official title of their Siege/Outbreak hybrid as Rainbow Six Extraction. Unveiled as Rainbow Six Quarantine back in 2019, then briefly rumoured as ParasiteExtraction will have its full reveal at Ubisoft Forward on June 12, 2021.

Extraction is a tactical co-op shooter, where players will play as various operators from Rainbow Six Siege against an “always evolving alien threat”. To any avid Siege players, the premise may sound familiar as the limited-time Outbreak mode, which ran for a month in 2018, seems to be the basis of this new game.

In the cinematic trailer released last night, a black ooze spreads its way across an abandoned laboratory. As the ooze covers more ground, various sharp shards begin to burst from the floorboards, not unlike those we saw during the Outbreak mode. And to tie the title even further to Outbreak, the trailer closes off with an ominous-looking moon rock (?) as the potential source, which would explain both the meteor landing and USSR space pod shown in the mode’s initial reveal.

Rainbow Six Extraction Sprawl Teaser Trailer

While we won’t know more about the game until its full reveal on the 12th, the devs did give some insight into why it received its name change.

Speaking in the trailer, creative director Patrik Methe detailed some gameplay features, stating:

“It will be up to you and your squad to decide when to push forward, or when to extract. As you will soon discover, Extraction is truly the name of the game.”

Although just rumours, it is likely that the newly found dislike for the word “Quarantine” factored into the name change somewhat.

Extraction could be an interesting and fun addition to the Rainbow Six line-up, so we will be patiently waiting for this “Ubisoft Original” when it’s unveiled on June 12.

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