Humble Curve Digital Bundle
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Grab Stikbold, Bomber Crew and Human: Fall Flat in the Humble Curve Digital Bundle

Dark Light

Pick up a small but perfectly formed collection of indie games in the Humble Curve Digital Bundle. 

In addition to their big sale on Ubisoft and Rockstar games, Humble has just announced its latest bundle. It features games from indie publisher Curve Digital, which means you can get a bundle of brilliant indie games for mere pennies.

The Humble Curve Digital Bundle is live right now, and runs through until 10 am Pacific on April 2nd, 2019. That’s 6 pm BST on the same day to our British readers – don’t forget the clocks go back on March 31st in the UK.

But what’s in it, I hear you ask? There’s silly physical comedy from Human: Fall Flat; the five Ds of dodgeball with Stikbold; sneaky housework with Serial Cleaner; and strategic aerial management with Bomber Crew.

Here’s all the tiers and rewards in the Humble Curve Digital Bundle.

Pay $1 (about £0.75) or more to unlock

Pay more than the average (currently $6.38, or around $4.81) to unlock

  • Human: Fall Flat
  • Smoke and Sacrifice
  • Stikbold! A Dodgeball Adventure

Pay $15 or more (around £11.30) to unlock

  • Bomber Crew
  • For the King

Unusually, there are no other bonuses included in the Humble Curve Digital Bundle – except for 10% off your first Humble Monthly subscription – but to get such a cracking raft of indie games for such a small amount? It’s not to be sniffed at.

Oh, and as with all purchases from Humble, you’ll be raising money for good causes.

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