Sega has announced there is a demo of Yakuza Kiwami 2, the follow-up to last year’s glorious remake, on the PSN store.
This is a full on remake of the original Yakuza, in the same way Kiwami remade the first game. A huge visual overhaul, 60fps, and new content.
Kiwami 2 features new content involving the series’ longtime fan-favourite, Goro Majima.
The combat system in this new remake also carries some of the nuance of Yakuza 6: The Song of Life.
The demo starts you out playing as Kazuma Kiryu, The Dragon of Dojima, in Chapter Two, as he explores Sotenbori – the series’ take on Dotenbori, in Osaka.
Pre-orders are now open for Yakuza Kiwami 2, as well, and they net you a lot of goodies for when the game is out. You receive a million Yen, a Demonfire Blade weapon, several collectible cards, a hostess by the name of Ono Michiyo, and the Comedian Suit outfit.
The game is scheduled for release on August 28th for PS4.
These games, particularly the remakes, are excellent; they’re a great example of Sega being Sega, in all its daft arcade glory. Check out our take on the first Yakuza Kiwami.