Beyond Good and Evil 2 director, Michael Ancel, has announced that Ubisoft is hoping to release a beta in late 2019.
Ancel made the reveal on his Instagram page, saying, “We aim for a playable beta for the end of next year.”
Given that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still quite a way off, it isn’t surprising that Ancel didn’t say a whole lot more than that.
Having said that, there was more of the much-anticipated game shown off at E3 last week. The trailer revealed that Jade, the protagonist from Beyond Good & Evil, would be returning for the prequel.
There isn’t a release date scheduled for the game yet. And Ubisoft hasn’t revealed what platforms it will be released on.
Check out the trailer below:
The official description reads:
“Embark on this epic space adventure with us and journey to System 3, for the prequel to one of Ubisoft’s most beloved games! In Beyond Good & Evil 2, you are your own space pirate captain who is free to choose your own path in this vast open universe.”
On a separate note, no one has decided whether the game’s title will use an ampersand or the word ‘and’. More on that to come. (Probably not.)