With PUBG and Fortnite: Battle Royale in world-beating mode right now, Call of Duty publisher Activision has its eye on the scene.
Oppenheimer, the investment firm in partnership with Activision, met with them at the beginning of the week and came away feeling positive. Activision explained that they are “keenly aware” of the success of the battle royale genre.
Wall Street Journal writer Sarah Needleman tweeted the following in response to the meeting:
https://twitter.com/saraheneedleman/status/973194659743793152?ref_src=twsrc% 5Etfw&ref_url=https% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.gamespot.com% 2Farticles% 2Fcall-of-duty-black-ops-4-publisher-keenly-aware-of% 2F1100-6457386% 2F&tfw_creator=GameSpot&tfw_site=GameSpot
According to Needleman, Oppenheimer’s report stated:
“The investment firm says Activision is keenly aware of how other game publishers have recently benefited from releasing titles [in the] popular ‘battle royale’ genre. Management reminded investors that the company is a faster follower.”
There isn’t any word on whether the next game in the series, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, will feature a battle royale-style game mode, or if the company will look to create a separate experience, or build one into a future Call of Duty.
It’s interesting to consider, and a story we’ll be keeping an eye on.