The upcoming Resident Evil 2 took fans by storm at this year’s E3, but Capcom has said that it will be way more than a prettified remake.
In an interview with GamingBolt, Capcom brand manager Mike Lunn said:
“It won’t be faithful one to one. For someone that’s played the game, some people played it once and some people played it a thousand times because it’s their favourite game. For the people that have even played it a thousand times, we wanted it to feel fresh. That’s why we don’t call it Resident Evil 2 Remake. It’s a new game built on top of the foundation.”
Lunn talked about introducing the Licker in a different way to how fans are used to. He also mentioned Capcom revamping the puzzles.
What would be amazing is if Capcom dropped in some new info and references: more of Ada Wong, who made her first appearance of the series in Resident Evil 2, say, or a tie-in to Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, which takes place during the same timeframe.
Resident Evil 2 is due out on January 25th, 2019, for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Not entirely sure how I feel about this. Still looks good reguatdless. I guess I’ll just have to wait till 1/25/2019 to find out for myself.