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European customers will receive a free copy of Far Cry 4, if they buy a 12 month subscription to PlayStation Plus.

It’s a bit of a lure for new customers – meaning it won’t work if you are already a subscriber to PS Plus. It’s also only available in Europe (sorry US readers).

It will set you back £49.99 for a year’s subscription, so the idea of having a blockbuster open-world attached to it certainly sweetens the pot.

The offer is available until 12th February at 10:00 GMT, giving you time to think about whether you want to dive in.

It’s also good timing on Sony’s part: with Far Cry 5 just around the corner – scheduled for release on March 27th – a chance to get acquainted with the series in one of its underrated settings (the snow-capped Himalayas) is ideal.

Far Cry 4 was an odd creature, sandwiched between the iconic series-high third entry, and the distinctive, experimental Far Cry Primal. The game centred on Ajay, as he attempts to put an end to Kyrat’s selfie-snapping mad monarch Pagan Min. It’s bonkers and utterly gleeful.

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