This week PUBG has hit the 30m sales mark, a staggering achievement, but its active player base on PC has dropped off.
Yuji Nakamura, a reporter for Bloomberg, shared the statistic via Twitter: 5Etfw&ref_url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Farticles% 2F2018% 2F02% 2F15% 2Fpubg-sales-reach-30-million-but-active-player-base-drops-off-on-pc
Nakamura makes the suggestion that cheating could play a role in the numbers drop – something PUBG Corp. has been attempting to tackle.
There were a million players banned from the game this January, and the developer has been working on further anti-cheat measures like introducing anti-cheat software BattlEye, and by stopping players using ReShade, a program which allows you to change the colour and depth-of-field settings.
In other PUBG news, there was a live-action trailer to celebrate the launch of the mobile game. There are two mobile games in early access, Army Attack and Exhilarating Battlefield, and between them they have 75 million players already pre-registered.
There’s nothing stopping PUBG at the moment, its popularity and sales soaring, but the developer will have to remain dedicated to stopping cheaters in order to protect its longevity.