The remaster for Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner has been delayed. Konami has confirmed it will be released this September.
Originally, Konami stated that the game was going to be released this spring.
The information was put out in a tweet, saying:
“Become Jehuty in both fully remastered 4K and the newly created 1st person VR game-play! Check out the 4K technical comparison trailer and get ready to embrace a whole new experience of this classic title!”
When it was initially announced, last September, Konami said:
“All visual and aural elements have been remastered for native 4K resolution, and the action has been similarly improved with the game experience being ported to VR.
As such, the new game retains the unique and beautiful visuals of the original title, but boasts textures in updated 4K while using surround sound techniques to offer layered and immersive audio effects.”
This means that along with the original third-person perspective, you can play in first-person VR – quite the addition for a remaster.
The game will be released on PS4 and PC this September.