Sony counts down to E3 2018 with some early PlayStation announcements.
Sony has decided to begin drip feeding its E3 2018 announcements with a new reveal each morning from tomorrow. The first game will be shown on Wednesday June 6, 2018 at 8am PT/4pm BST.
Sony say the the first title will be a brand new PS VR game. This will be followed by a release date confirmation from Worldwide Studios on Thursday, news of a new PlayStation 4 exclusive on Friday, and then two more PS VR game reveals at the weekend.
This approach ties in with Sony deciding to focus this year’s E3 press conference on four key games. The PlayStation E3 2018 Showcase – which will be held on Monday June 11, 2018 – will offer a closer look at Sucker Punch’s Ghost Of Tsushima, Naughty Dog’s The Last Of Us Part II, Insomniac’s Spider-Man, and a little game called Death Stranding from indie studio, Kojima Productions. 5Etfw&ref_url=https% 3A% 2F% 2Farticles% 2Fsony-pre-e3-2018-reveal-announcement-playstation
You can watch the announcements on Sony’s E3 website, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube.
The constant stream of leaks. and pre-E3 announcements – from the likes of Ubisoft, Sega, and Bethesda – has threatened to take the shine off this year’s E3 a little. Will there be any surprises left? Let us know what you’re looking forward to seeing in the comments below.